We offer enriching Christian Education opportunities for all ages. Through a variety of curricula geared specifically for each age group, children and adults study God’s Word and participate in prayerful study. We invite you to join us in fellowship during the program year (September-May) as we study the Bible and apply its lessons to the world around us.
Kids’ Praise (K-4th, and 5th-8th): Each Sunday, children are dismissed after the children's message to worship together. With music, prayers and a Bible story with related craft, our young people are able to praise God in a setting that is safe, comfortable and at their level.
Youth Connect (5th-8th, 9th-12th grades): Youth groups meet Sunday evenings in the youth room. Middle School 6:00-7:00, High School 7:00-8:30.
Bible Study: Starting in August, join us each Tuesday morning from 10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Insightful discussions take place and warm friendships develop as we discuss the Bible and apply it to our lives. Contact the office for more details.
Vacation Bible School took place this summer June 12-15. Thank you to everyone who participated!